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Habitante 0


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Based on a collection of places, the journal Habitante observes the diversity of ways of thinking and building the world. From fiction to critical theory, from the tree to the territory, from the house to the (micro)nation, Habitante crosses approaches, sensibilities and scales.

In this pilot issue, Célia Houdart evokes, almost with nostalgia, the tropicalism of the Ryanair base in Lanzarote, Daniel Fernández Pascual and Alon Schwabe debate the quantification of New York trees and its indirect social impact. Hamed Khosravi examines the former Fort Roughs platform whose libertarian potential is inversely proportional to its living space. Matthew Stewart concisely describes the fundamentally chimerical logic behind the Sidewalk Toronto urban project. While Elvia Wilk invents an architectural, real estate and social experiment in a not so phantasmagorical Berlin. An island, a waterfront, platforms, an urban forest, houses on a former tarmac: as many perspectives as worlds to be remade.

  • date of publication : 2021
  • language : FR
  • format : 17.5 x 16 x 1
  • binding : Invisible bound
  • publishers : Audimat
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