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Tèque is a paperback magazine brought to you by the Audimat team and collects sensitive and erudite essays, between investigation and social criticism, to shed light on our relationship with technologies and their role in our lives.

In this first issue: “The Parcours Sup dead end by one of the first witnesses of its implementation”; “A genealogy of Tik Tok performances”; “The politics of scrolling, or the critique of the ordinary critique of algorithmic alienation”; “Amazon’s strategy and its power moves in the logistics sector, analyzed by an anonymous employee”; “How the ideology surrounding the figure of the “user” orients the design and IT professions”.

With contributions from : Rob Horning, Marlowe Tatiana Granados, Hubert Guillaud, Silvio Lorusso.

  • date of publication : January 2022
  • language : FR
  • pages : 200 p.
  • format : 17.5 x 11 x 2
  • binding : Perfect binding
  • publishers : Audimat
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