Almanac of Art Brut
Almanac of Art Brut
Almanac of Art Brut - Facsimile and critical edition presented and edited by
Sarah Lombardi and Baptiste Brun, in collaboration with Vincent Monod. \nTexts
by Sarah Lombardi, Baptiste Brun, Sarah Burkhalter and Lia Bagutti \n \nJean
Dubuffet, with André Breton, Jean Paulhan, Benjamin Péret and a few others,
launched the Almanac of Art Brut project in May 1948. The twelve notebooks, a
per month, reveal the work of more than forty obscure artists and creators,
or even unknown, of the time: Gaston Chaissac, Aloïse Corbaz, Robert Tatin,
Adolf Wölfli, Germain Vandersteen... A treatise on painting is added by Jean
Dubuffet as well as a calendar of saints, as in all almanacs, which
mocks the art world of the time. The manuscript is ready for publication in
October 1948, but it will ultimately never be printed. This great book up close
of 500 pages has been in the Collection de l'Art Brut in Lausanne since its
opened in 1976. This facsimile edition allows us to rethink
the whole context in which Art Brut was invented and highlights
the links between the worlds of art, literature, psychiatry and
ethnology in the immediate post-war period. The book contains many
unpublished documents and illustrations based on photographic documents
of the time.