Brut Now - Art brut in the age of technology
Brut Now - Art brut in the age of technology
It's always a surprising thing to realize how much time it takes
to develop an exhibition. “Brut Now – Art Brut in the Age of Technology
» was born from a study day organized on May 14, 2013. Specialists
institutional and private had reflected in front of a captivated audience on the
relationship between raw art and technology. At the end of this day, he
It was clear that this topic would be a landmark and a precedent.
The audience was all the more attentive because it felt the close relationship between
these debates and Belfort as a land of industry.
So we were excited to see two years later that these tracks of
work, these reflections which had punctuated the day, were taking shape. "Raw
Now » now brings together such rich personalities as Christian Berst,
Parisian gallery owner and specialist in raw art, and Brut Pop', activist for
give a voice and make a place for autistic people. Their proposals dialogue
now with those of Valérie Perrin and Nicolas Surlapierre.
Damien Meslot & Marie Rochette de Lempdes