In a devastated world, near the ocean, a shaggy man in an astronaut's outfit
lives alone, like a disheveled lighthouse keeper from centuries past.
Mechanically, with respect for protocols and professional conscience
sharp, he watches over the site he is in charge of, a place whose interior
constitutes almost a secret sanctuary, subject to the most stringent security rules
strict, due to its high danger: a landfill site
nuclear. However, this power station is nothing more than ruins. The roofs are
collapsed, the concrete of the reactors has been cracked for a long time, and this is a
empty box that our guard greets mechanically... In this great cathedral,
mythical building of the power of Techno-science, the procedures of the
Guardians turn into rituals, silence and shadows gradually take charge of
give a soul to places, and our lonely Robinson, in his delirium, makes of this
nuclear sanctuary a temple welcoming the spirits of ancestors. Imagined in
counterpoint to Soon (with Thomas Cadène, published by Dargaud in 2019), UOS is a
graphic exploration of the universe of Collapse, a sensory ballad in
country of the return to grace, among the ruins, of a human being listening to his