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Florian Maricourt



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Arnordir – A few months ago I bought a batch of film at a second-hand shop in Calais for a pittance. The set had been out of date for twelve years and was beginning to be eaten away by rust. To make sure nothing got lost, I spent three summers on the Carnot dyke, a long stretch of concrete almost three kilometres out to sea. I photographed with a camera I’d found at a local Emmaus, then developed the film at home, mixing in a little seawater. The whole is a mixture of salt walls and sandmen.

  • date of publication : 2024
  • language : FR
  • pages : 120 p.
  • format : 25 x 18 x 1.2
  • impression : hp indigo
  • tirage : 200 copies
  • binding : soft cover, otabind sewn binding
  • publishers : Phtoggos
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