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Lisa Blumen



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ASTRA NOVA – ASTRA NOVA – After a long training, Nova is about to embark on a scientific mission without any possible return. Confined in a state-of-the-art rocket, the young astronaut will have to reach the planet L31, located 2.5 million light-years from Earth. Before the big departure, she must comply with a final formality required by the space agency. She must go to the farewell party organized in her honor in a sumptuous villa. The one who has always favored a reclusive life will have to face her only three friends she hasn’t seen for a long time. The years have passed and Ulysses, Yseult and Alan have changed.

With ASTRA NOVA, Lisa Blumen returns with a unique science fiction story. For the author of AVANT L’OUBLI, the future world is once again a way to materialize marginal existences. This time, they will be confronted with the throes of remoteness and individualism. The plot is built up through asides, memories of the past, and the evocation of the shattered and solitary trajectories of the four characters. Entirely realized with felt pens, ASTRA NOVA is a story marked by a fleeting nostalgia, like the sudden appearance of a shooting star in the night.

  • date of publication : March 2023
  • language : FR
  • pages : 176 p.
  • format : 22.7 x 16.6 x 2
  • binding : Hardcover
  • ISBN : 9782390041023
  • publishers : L’employé du moi
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