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Franck Leibovici

de l’amour


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de l’amour is composed of four scenes, four autonomous scales: an online chat room, exchanges on the tinder application, a sex scene, and a love correspondence with several hands, over several countries. The passage from one scene, from one scale to another, allows the reader to zoom in and out, to go to the finest, most intimate level. However, the reader will never have access to what the Anglo-Saxons call the big picture – because the latter does not exist: there is no panoramic position, there are only socio-technical devices (a chat on the Internet, an application on a smartphone, an amateur sex-tape, spam exchanged by email). To be followed simply by reading what they say. The portrait of a generation that reinvents the codes of writing and lovemaking takes shape.

  • design : Joanna Starck
  • date of publication : February 2019
  • language : FR / EN
  • pages : 336 p.
  • format : 22.9 x 16 x 2
  • binding : paperback, soft cover
  • ISBN : 9782365680189
  • publishers : Jbe Books
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