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Mark Fischer

Désirs postcapitalistes


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Désirs postcapitalistes – In this series of lectures given before his death, British critical theorist Mark Fisher begins with a fundamental question for us: “Do we really want what we claim to want? Discussing with his students some of the key ideas of critical thinking, he explores the relationship between desire and capitalism, and asks what powers of imagination and relationship remain to be unleashed in an age when they are constantly being re-programmed and channeled by self-help, advertising, and the technology industries. From the emergence and failure of the counterculture in the 1970s to contemporary accelerationism and feminist self-awareness groups, this book brings into perspective a stream of positions, programs, and actions to better defend the need for a radical transformation of society and culture.

Translated from English into French by Louis Morelle (Désirs postcapitalistes) and Julien Guazzini (Acidcommunisme)

  • design : Charlie Janiaut
  • date of publication : November 2022
  • language : FR
  • pages : 400 p.
  • format : 20 x 13 x 2.5
  • binding : Perfect binding
  • ISBN : 9782492469169
  • publishers : Audimat
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