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Habitante 1


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Habitante 1 – From a collection of places, the magazine Habitante observes the diversity of ways of thinking and building the world. From fiction to critical theory, from the tree to the territory, from the house to the megastructure, Habitante tells the story of the spaces where we live, and the way we think about them.

In this issue:
La campagne n’est pas un refuge – Théo Casciani
Le logement comme service – Deborah Feldman
L’Amérique divisée – Nathan Friedman
Les sirènes des Shetland – Jennifer Lucy Allan
Tout réparer – Shannon Mattern

  • date of publication : November 2021
  • language : FR
  • pages : 170 p.
  • format : 17.5 x 11 x 1
  • binding : Perfect binding
  • ISBN : 9782492469060
  • publishers : Audimat
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