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Caroline Et Cyril Desroche

Los Angeles Standards


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Los Angeles Standards Los Angeles Standards is a photographic portrait of Los Angeles. It offers a way of seeing the city through 15 typologies that identify this unique urban environment.

The 1300 photographs were taken between 2008 and 2012 by French architects Caroline and Cyril Desroche during the years they lived in Los Angeles. They are organized to compare and contrast the design archetypes they identified, including mini-malls, billboards, freeways, parking lots, and houses on stilts. Each photo is accompanied by its address for research and travel.

This book aims to identify various standard elements that visually define Los Angeles. While the city is constantly changing, becoming more dense and redefining its urban landscape every day, this book is also a testament to the influence of its urban history on its current identity.

  • date of publication : September 2020
  • language : FR
  • pages : 631 p.
  • format : 17 x 16 x 2.3
  • binding : paperback, softcover
  • ISBN : 9782490140190
  • publishers : Poursuite Éditions
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