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Yulia Popova

How Many Female Type Designers Do You Know?


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How Many Female Type Designers Do You Know? aims to highlight the work of women in typography. The first part of the book offers research on the issue of gender in type design. It includes statistics, data and an overview of some of the work that addresses this issue. It also contains biographies of female type designers who worked in the 19th and early 20th centuries. These women have contributed to the industry, but are rarely mentioned. The second part is a series of interviews with 14 women who currently work as type designers or are otherwise involved in the field of type design. The purpose of these interviews is to highlight the uneven distribution of male and female speakers at letterpress conferences, as well as the lack of women in the industry. The last part of the book is a showcase of typefaces designed by women. The objective of this part is to show the great quantity and variety of these fonts.

Interviews with: Gayaneh Bagdasaryan, Veronika Burian, Maria Doreuli, Louise Fili, Martina Flor, Loraine Furter, Jenna Gesse, Golnar Kat Rahmani, Indra Kupferschmid, Briar Levit, Zuzana Licko, Ana Regidor, Fiona Ross and Carol Wahler.

  • date of publication : 2020
  • language : EN
  • pages : 320 p.
  • format : 20 x 16 x 11
  • impression : 128 pages color, 192 pages black and white
  • binding : paperback, hardcover
  • ISBN : 9789493148321
  • publishers : Onomatopee
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