Juliette Pommier
Huet – de l’architecture à la ville
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In the second half of the 20th century, the field of architecture experienced a deep mutation on a national and international scene. The rapid development of urban society in France resulted in a series of crises and challenges to the professional, institutional and doctrinal structures of architecture. In a short period of time, French urban planning went from post-war reconstruction to urban renovation in freeing itself from the past and from the failure of modern urban planning to a return to the city, to history and to the foundations of the architectural discipline. Bernard Huet was an essential player in the intellectual renewal that was developing in France at the time: he embodied better than any other the figure of the committed intellectual architect, invested as much in teaching, research and criticism as in the profession. Attached to the dialogue between his partners, Huet is first and foremost a man of his word – his vision of urban architecture gradually took shape in his written and built works. This collection aims to re-establish the scope, breadth and topicality of this voice.
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À partir de n°2