Camille Carbonaro
Immigrazione, violenza dell’anima
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Immigration, violence of the soul is a photographic and graphic project by Camille Carbonaro that explores the notion of the stranger and the construction of the self in an unknown territory. Photographs, stories, archives and embroideries on images question the concept of exile through encounters. The documentary dimension of this project is combined with a plastic research and a reinterpretation of the images found in the city. Who is the stranger? In what way is exile a human violence? Camille Carbonaro realized this project in Berlin in 2017 as part of an artistic residency at the Fotofabrik gallery. This project was exhibited at BASE Milano as part of Milano Photoweek 2018, at Galerie Fotofabrik Bnl-bxl in duo with Katrin Streicher and selected at Funzilla Photobook 2018 in Rome. This project took part in the touring exhibition ‘Rocket of Motography’ created by Vincen Beeckman and is currently exhibited at FOMU in Antwerp (The exhibition also traveled to C/O Berlin, Les Rencontres d’Arles, Le Bal and Fotofestiwal Lodz).
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