Bruno Decharme
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Can we consider “raw photography” as a category of art brut, according to the definition given to this concept by Jean Dubuffet? It would then bring together shots, prints, photomontages, photocollages, made by self-taught authors, produced outside of conventional artistic circuits, in an asyllic setting or in the solitude and marginality of cities and countryside. Photo|Brut presents more than 500 works from the Bruno Decharme collection, as well as a selection of other institutional and private collections chosen for their complementarity. Through four main themes – “Private affairs”, “Reformatting the world”, “Performing or another I”, “Conjuring the real” – the exhibition will attempt to identify and present to the public this little-studied field of art even though there is a rich and fascinating corpus.
Avec des oeuvres de Horst Ademeit, Shell L. Alpert, Steve Ashby, Morton Bartlett, Marcel Bascoulard, John Brill, Eugene Von Bruenchenhein, Felipe Jesus Consalvos, Aloïse Corbaz, Jesuys Crystiano, Henry Darger, Charles Dellschau, John Devlin, Curzio Di Giovanni, Fumiho Endo, Karel Forman, Frédéric, Pepe Gaitán, Giovanni Galli, Pietro Ghizzardi, Lee Godie, Yohann Goetzmann, Kasuo Handa, Marian Henel, Mark Hogancamp, Paul Humphrey, Günter K. , Zdenek Košek, Alexandre Lobanov, Tomasz Machciński, ” Margret “, Alexandre Medvedev, Donald Mitchell, Albert Moser, Edward Nadgrodzki, Norma Oliver, Photographies Spirites, Luboš Plný, Ilmari Salminen, Milton Schwartz, Ted Serios, Valentin Simankov, Leopold Strobl, Ichiwo Sugino, Elke Tangeten, Dominique Théate, Miroslav Tichý, Ufos, Elisabeth Van Vyve, August Walla, Melvin Way, Adolf Wölfli, Zorro, et de nombreux anonymes.
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