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Red Harvest


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Red Harvest – Borrowing its title from the book by Dashiell Hammett, pioneer of the American noir novel, Red Harvest by Marguerite Bornhauser is an extension of the work initiated and presented at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie.

“In Dashiell Hammett’s novel, chromatic details could be perceived in an anecdotal way, as atmospheric asides intended to sublimate the immersive power of the fiction. But in Red Harvest,sunburned bodies, overly bright waters, blazing skies and broken shadows produce something else. Rather than proposing a false reality in which we might get lost, these elements extract us from life as it is lived, or at least as we usually experience it on the surface, to draw us deep into a hyper-present, super-saturated alternative truth. The colors here are never purely or simply symbolic, they mean nothing specific or precisely defined. Instead, color itself signifies, by its presence and appearance, its variety and intensity, its organization and arrangement, that we are here in an original world, and that we see it differently.”

Simon Baker

  • date of publication : November 2019
  • language : FR
  • pages : 32 p.
  • format : 32 x 22.5 x 1.5
  • binding : Spiral bound
  • ISBN : 9782490140176
  • Red Harvest
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