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Guillaume Herbaut

Ukraine : Terre désirée


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Ukraine : Terre désirée is a long term work that Guillaume Herbaut presents here: twenty years of reporting in Ukraine, for which he received in March 2022 the prestigious World Press Photo award.

Guillaume Herbaut has witnessed the extraordinary evolution of this country since the Orange Revolution and the Maïdan Revolution, through the annexation of Crimea and the war in the Donbass since 2014, until the Russian invasion. Above all, he bears witness to the formidable resistance of a people fighting for their freedom.

His work reflects an intimacy shaped by his many encounters, which he has carefully kept track of in a road book kept over the years. This magnificent work of authorship sheds light on the roots of a conflict resulting from the hegemonic madness of Vladimir Putin.

In her introduction, Galia Ackerman, historian, journalist and essayist specializing in Ukraine, puts Guillaume Herbaut’s work into perspective and firmly dismantles the lies of Russian propaganda.

  • date of publication : October 2022
  • language : FR
  • pages : 216 p.
  • format : 25 x 27 x 2.5
  • binding : Hardbound with glued photo vignette
  • ISBN : 9782845979260
  • publishers : Textuel
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