
Arrange the space, decorate the places

Arrange the space, decorate the places

  • Authors: By (author) undefined
  • Publishers: ATHOM
  • Date of Publication: 2024-04-24
  • Availability: Available
  • Pages: 92
  • This book, entitled Arranging space, decorating places, composed by Michel Guérin, is the first issue (notebook #01) of the “Arrangements” collection Athom editions. It consists of three texts: the first entitled “The secret of the adornment"; the second "Arrangements with the sky"; the third is a long interview given by the author to Olivier Koettlitz of Athom editions. Michel Guérin clarifies with this sentence the aims of this new essay: "In intersection of theological, anthropological, aesthetic or philosophical, I am trying here to return to the notions of ornament and decoration a meaning both deep and ancient that a certain modern usage has rendered, to the letter, superficial and whose power he ignores, which he nevertheless exercises and values ​​as a distant heir.
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