
Art and graphic design: an essay in visual history. 1950-19

Art and graphic design: an essay in visual history. 1950-19

  • Authors: By (author) undefined
  • Publishers: PYRAMID
  • Date of Publication: 2015-01-15
  • Availability: Available
  • Pages: 324
  • This new title from the “:T” collection looks at a rare artistic corpus from the mid-20th century. This brilliant and accessible study, based on a thesis, was born from a disorder, from a difficulty in locating certain visual objects in boundaries between two disciplinary fields: art and graphic design. Interrogating a mixed corpus explains how a story was constructed shared, with phases of meeting, rapprochement or distrust. The author is first interested in the artistic practice of decolletage, mainly through an unpublished analysis of the work of Raymond Hains and Mimmo Rotella, to then look at the existence of optical liquidity and typographic. He subsequently focuses on the relations between France and Poland. The study of the Polish context and the development of author's poster art, particularly around the figure of Henryk Tomaszewski, leads to interest attentively to the career of graphic designer Roman Cieslewicz.
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