
Arts, ecologies, transitions

Arts, ecologies, transitions

  • Authors: By (author) undefined
  • Publishers: PRESSES OF REALITY
  • Date of Publication: 2024-06-04
  • Availability: Available
  • Pages: 296
  • Produced by around fifty artists or researchers in arts (dance, cinema, music and sound arts, visual arts, theatre, arts digital, literature, photography, performance), and coordinated by a collective of the University of Paris 8, this book aims to contribute to the turning point ecological arts. The notion of ecology is understood here in the broad sense (in a Guattarian perspective), and integrated into the environmental perspective those of mental and social ecologies: artistic practices are made ecosophical since they question the very notion of aesthetics, crossroads of aisthetis (the sensitive), ethics and politics. Respectful of the multiplicity and complexity of the world, the work is organized under the form of an ABC book which reports on the proliferation of artistic practices contemporary in touch with ecological issues. Its form is also the reflection, each notice assuming its singularity, from academic discourse to forms of committed writing.
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