
Gotico-Antiqua, proto-Roman, hybrid

Gotico-Antiqua, proto-Roman, hybrid

  • Authors: Text by Christelle Kirchstetter, Text by Thomas Huot-Marchand, Edited by Jérôme Knebusch
  • Publishers: PRESSES DU REEL
  • Date of Publication: 2021-03-16
  • Availability: Unavailable, the publisher indicates the product is out of stock
  • Pages: 496
  • The book brings together researchers in the field of typography, paleography and book history, with emphasis on characters and letter forms. The relatively little-studied period – after Gutenberg and before the stabilization of Jenson's model – extends from the first traces of humanistic tendencies to the 'pure' Romans, passing through numerous cases of uncertain designs, voluntary hybridizations and proto or archaic forms of the Roman. In 1459 in Mainz, Johann Fust and Peter Schöffer printed the Rationale Divinorum Officiorum by Guillaume Durand, using a character typographic (known today as ‹Durandus›) which did not resemble no other previous character. From here we can follow a great variety of developments, partly relating to the travels of the first printers of the Rhine region towards Italy and France. By extension, the movement of private presses initiated by William Morris and Emery Walker at the end of the 19th century century in England, revived some of these characters before they fall back into oblivion.
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