
The Affective Part

The Affective Part

  • Authors: By (author) undefined
  • Publishers: PARAGUAY PRESS
  • Date of Publication: 2024-03-27
  • Availability: Available
  • Pages: 344
  • In La Part affective, Sophie Orlando chronicles the recent transformations of profession and life of a teacher. Her text describes the porosities that revealed today in art schools between legitimate knowledge and knowledge minoritized. It brings together artists' voices, interior monologues, course notes, student contributions to explain the making of educational links today, the way in which they are based above all on the circulation of affects. The articulation of the intimate and the political makes it then possible the writing of a renewed narrative of art. A researcher in art history, Sophie Orlando is one of the rare specialists French British Black Art. When she began teaching at the School National Superior Art Museum of the Villa Arson in Nice, ten years ago, the story artistic and theoretical practices fighting against discrimination and for the recognition of plural subjectivities is still very marginal in art education in France. But in recent years, #Metoo movements, Black Lives Matter, decolonial thoughts and ecofeminists, as well as the successive lockdowns caused by the pandemic Covid-19 will disrupt the ways of thinking, studying and teaching in within art schools.
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