
Nicole 13

Nicole 13

  • Authors: By (author) undefined
  • Publishers: CORNELIUS
  • Date of Publication: 2024-02-15
  • Availability: Available
  • Pages: 304
  • This year, Nicole celebrates her tenth anniversary! It's time to take stock because this number will close a cycle and will be the last in this form. But don't worry Don't worry, our Nicole still has some left in her and she's thinking about it now. and already the rest...In 10 years, Nicole, that still represents more than 3000 comic book pages, 93 published authors, 300 hours of readings and 30 cm of linear space in your library. An editorial adventure as enjoyable as it is time-consuming, which we hope will have enabled some great discoveries. For this final issue, Nicole has brought together a myriad of artists talented. Regulars: LL De Mars, Willem, Benoît Preteseille, Delphine Panic, Renaud Thomas, François Fléché, Hugues Micol, Simon Roussin, François Ayroles. Some occasional: Goblet and Pfeiffer, Oriane Lassus, Adrien Demont, Simon Ecary, Luciano Bottaro. But also some newcomers: Lars Sjunneson, Gwénola Carrère, Linda Barry, Émilie Gleason, Aurélie Wilmet, Lchalu and Ruoqi Tong. A portfolio paying tribute to Philippe Petit-Roulet will complete this eclectic overview. The scathing chronology of the past year is well sure signed Bill Franco. and the whole thing is completed with sarcastic stories about the book industry, written by JL Capron.
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