
Purple Magazine N°42 F/W 2024-2025

Purple Magazine N°42 F/W 2024-2025

  • Authors: (Various roles) Purple
  • Publishers: PURPLE INSTITUTE
  • Date of Publication: 2024-10-03
  • Availability: Available
  • Pages: 512
  • Today, our societies are faced with the failure of rationalism and progressivism, and they break down, even if they have the means human, scientific, financial and political to move towards a future better. Faced with these threats, magic could become an alternative for those who seek other techniques and knowledge to evolve personally, to reassure themselves, to regain confidence and - above all - to engage their creative consciousness in a different way and rediscover the beauty of world. This issue does not confront science and progress; it explores rather the archaic and multifaceted world of magic in harmony with all the fields of knowledge. It seeks to expand research, aesthetics, art and our understanding of the world, by highlighting the creative aspects of magic that could lead to new insights into aspects of life undervalued, unexplored and perhaps repressed, and in a new way to perceive our world and our place in it. What if magic was seen as a resource for reimagining and reconstructing reality ?Accompanied by a 52-page supplement (PURPLE RESIDENCE Summer 2024 by Elizabeth Glaessner)
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