
Beyond Silicon Valley Ideology

Beyond Silicon Valley Ideology

  • Authors: By (author) undefined
  • Publishers: EDIT PRESENTS
  • Date of Publication: 2024-04-19
  • Availability: Available
  • Return Conditions: 2025-04-19
  • Pages: 160
  • The origins of Silicon Valley are often described by emphasizing a unique mix of hippies, hackers and libertarian students who would have converted to capitalism. The appeal of this thesis too often hides less flamboyant aspects of its ideology. This book proposes to analyze some of them neglected dimensions: the key role of venture capital, positions explicitly reactionary of some investors, the importance of religious, colonial and neo-Darwinist influences, and visions of dystopian, even apocalyptic futures. To understand the forms of technological domination, we can no longer be satisfied with a condemnation moralizing of the bosses of American tech. A consequential criticism must take into account how they are supported by a plurality ideologies from philosophy, finance, management or design.
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