
The critical conditions of my awareness will sometimes trigger the shutter

The critical conditions of my awareness will sometimes trigger the shutter

  • Authors: By (author) Han Lei
  • Publishers: BESSARD EDITION
  • Language: IN
  • Design: Pierre Bessard, Cyrielle Molard, Han lei
  • Date of Publication: 2020-05-15
  • Pages: 24
  • Limited Edition: 250 signed copies
  • "The critical conditions of my awareness will sometimes trigger the shutter. \n \nThe first condition that gave birth to my interests towards photography is the Chinese reality. Until now, it is still the most convincing condition of my photographs. Usually I have always carried the overwhelming sensitivity towards these indecent things. I see my photographs as a kind of concealment, which does not require highlighting procedures or truisms. I prefer to hide the "punctum" of most of my photographs. I tried to conceal the climax of these daily photographs, which is the most significant form and internal structure of my photographs, the fragment of each image transits into another fragment, these hidden events can be memorized by myself as a representation of time. \n \n Most of the time I am rather a conflicted person, this kind of conflict sometimes makes me understand these intermediate attitudes. I always take pictures in a rather traditional way, it is the greatest freedom for me, the critical conditions of my awareness will sometimes trigger the shutter. I have never developed an idea to shoot with, it will be an even worse shot. I prefer to let the "series" and "categories" be generated naturally by the enormous quantities of my photographic practices. \n \n -- Han Lei "
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