
The Devil is leaving his Cave

The Devil is leaving his Cave

  • Authors: By (author) undefined
  • Publishers: MACK BOOKS
  • Language: IN
  • Date of Publication: 2022-05-01
  • Availability: Not yet available
  • Pages: 144
  • The Devil is leaving his Cave - In 1990, a year before the armed revolt of the Zapatistas, Wendy Ewald was invited to give photography classes to Mayan, Ladino and Tzotzil children living in Chiapas, the southernmost province from Mexico. The responsible organization was the Mayan Writers' Cooperative, Sna Jtz-ibajom (the writers' house). If cameras and Camcorders are not new in Chiapas, they are generally used by tourists whose shots reinforce their own prejudices cultural. Ewald did not take any photographs; instead, she guided her students through that they themselves take pictures of their daily life, their dreams, their desires and fantasies. These memories resonated with the importance given to dreams in Mayan culture, which considers them as real as waking life. The resulting project, The Devil is leaving his Cave, is a unique insight into the daily realities of life in Mayan communities just before the ravages of the Zapatista uprising. This book brings together the project Ewald's original and a new work done in collaboration with fifteen young Mexican Americans living in Chicago, coordinated with the help of the Centro Romero, an immigrant support organization. These images deal with much of the same subject matter as that done by Ewald's students in the 1990s, with the emphasis now on capturing life inner and dreams in order to take into account unexpressed experiences of immigration. The themes of restriction and self-reflection that have emerged from this new work were intensified by the fact that it was carried out partly under the control of COVID. Together, the Chiapas and Chicago traces the differences between growing up in different Mexican geographies with diverse histories, while clinging to the joys and to the universal pains of childhood.
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