
A drawing is not a plan and other essays

A drawing is not a plan and other essays

  • Authors: By (author) undefined
  • Publishers: CARYATID
  • Date of Publication: 2023-11-02
  • Availability: Available
  • Pages: 160
  • The hypothesis of this collection states that the recent transformations, which we often closely associate with a technological revolution if not a technocratic, have had little impact on the modes of presentation of architecture. Certainly, the ways of designing the project, the forms of transmission and manufacturing, techniques and tools of representation have been turned upside down. Certainly, the execution drawing has been reduced to a simple transmission tool of information, to the point of being completely called into question. But the methods of presentation itself has not fundamentally changed. Although on the contrary, the plan, the section, the axonometry and the perspective, at the same time synthetic in their ambition and specific in their form, continue to occupy a central position in the reflection and dissemination of architecture. Journals, manuals, theoretical works, catalogs and even competition reports testify to this. If the drawings presented in this collection use modes of representation known, the way they use it is singular. It is therefore less a question to question the value of these modes than to discover their expression specific to a precise moment.
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