
a double absence

a double absence

  • Authors: By (author) undefined
  • Publishers: XAVIER BARRAL
  • Date of Publication: 2019-04-25
  • Availability: Available
  • A Double Absence tells the story of a disappearance, the erasure of a young man man whose life was entirely dedicated to his grandmother. Daiki and his grandmother, Yukimi, live in the small town of Kunitomi, located in Miyazaki Prefecture on the island of Kyushu in southern Japan. From In his early years, the child decides to live with his grandmother, who lives on the ground floor of a family home. The old lady raises and cares for of his grandson, follows his education, accompanies him at all stages of his life school and young man. Both share the same living space, dine together, exchange their experiences, each being deeply attached to the other. Over the years, a rare relationship is created between the grandmother and her grandson: attention, kindness, trust and attachment draw a bond of extraordinary strength. Having reached adulthood, Daiki began studying medical attendant and continues to care for his grandmother: the report has reversed, it is now the young man who manages Yukimi's life. And When she fell very ill, he abandoned his studies to devote himself only to her recovery and manages to get her back on her feet despite the alarming advice from doctors. Fascinated and touched by this unique relationship, photographer Akhito Yoshida, cousin of Daiki and grandson also of Yukimi, decides to document this story. He photographs everyday life: Daiki and his grandmother at home, having tea, going shopping, chatting. Images that tell the story everyday life, an acuity of reality. But one day, Daiki disappears, without a word. Yumiki collapses, the presence of Daiki fades away. What remains of this story, of their relationship, of their affection? Akhito Yoshida shows the impermanence of beings, the fragility connections, deceptive appearances, the haunting absence of the beings who are expensive.
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