
Ventolin 5

Ventolin 5

  • Authors: By (author) undefined
  • Print: Offset
  • Language: EN
  • Date of Publication: 2023-03-06
  • Pages: 48
  • Paper: newspaper
  • Limited Edition: 2000 copies
  • Ventoline #5 - Ventoline is a music fanzine written and illustrated by women.

    \nVentoline is a music-loving, dilettante and polymorphous creature who never leaves his den at a set time. Today we have reached the fifth episode of his adventures, not without problems but with a lot of repeated joy and, as always, food and drink: anti-"folklore of the future" manifesto, cheap exoticism, dancehall reggae in London in the 80s, Goosebumps blind test, gothic flyers, sea cucumber disc jockey, reissue of country rarities... and more and more drawn forms that speak for themselves, so that we no longer always know who we are dealing with. A feminist music fanzine interested in images? A graphic magazine interested in music without the male point of view? A collective blog on newsprint? A disguised typographic catalog? What's the point in answering, Ventoline prefers to quote Régine: "I don't care / About the stories, the legends / All I ask of them / Is not to ask too much of me / I don't care [...] Yet there's no need to call me!" \n

    Those who contributed to this fifth issue are Mara Krastina, Sofie Vandevoorde, Le Collectif La Crue, Sarah Vadé, Catherine Guiral, Amanda Lipman, Sonia Terhzaz, Cassidy McGinley, Fanny Quément, Morgane Le Ferec, Dagmar Anita Binge, Victoria Palacios, Anouk Ricard.

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