
What to let go?

What to let go?

  • Authors: By (author) undefined
  • Publishers: FOR SITE
  • Language: IN
  • Design: Chris Wu & Ming Hsun Yu
  • Date of Publication: 2024-07-17
  • Pages: 364
  • What to Let Go? - This book explores the historical narratives and political memories of objects, sites, and ceremonies that have been lost, looted, returned, repatriated, revived, or reimagined. Through a variety of discourses, poems, and original artistic contributions, it brings together topics and geographies that are typically dissociated—from looted cultural assets held in colonial collections to the processes of renaming or destroying symbols of past eras—and examines their relationship in the context of recent social upheavals and political processes across continents. In our age of dangerous revisionism, where history has become a battleground for both the left and the right, the question arises: how can art reconfigure our collective founding myths? And what should we discard in our quest for understanding?
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