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César Debargue, Luna Duchaufour-Lawrance



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Aquifère – « Aquifère » is a publication born from a research made last summer in the Barronies valley, in the south-east of France, where we stayed for a month to meet « sourciers » (dowsers), persons which are reputed for having the gift and knowledge to find sense and locate groundwater. For a month, we got the opportunity to photograph their practice, harvest their stories and the ones from the other valley inhabitants strongly linked with the water resources and its challenges: farmers, shepherds, hydrogeologists, drillers, mayors…
Through this research around dowsing, symbolising a rural and sensitive know-how, we aim to question the use, exploitation and sharing of water, a vital resource at stake, and the ecological and political stakes around it.

  • design : Siesta Books
  • date of publication : June 2024
  • language : FR
  • pages : 27 p.
  • format : 23 x 16.5 x 0.8
  • binding : agrafe
  • ISBN : 9782958297237
  • publishers : Siesta Books
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