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Paul Dobraszczyk

Architecture and anarchism


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Architecture and anarchism: building without authority documents and illustrates 60 projects, past and present, that key into a libertarian ethos and desire for diverse self-organised ways of building. They are what this book calls an ‘anarchist’ architecture, that is, forms of design and building inspired by the core values of most forms of anarchism since its emergence as a distinct kind of socialist politics in the 19th century. These are autonomy, voluntary association, mutual aid, and self-organisation through direct democracy. As the book shows, there are a vast range of architectural projects that can been seen to refl ect some or all of these values, whether they are acknowledged as specifi cally anarchist or otherwise.


  • date of publication : 2021
  • language : EN
  • pages : 248 p.
  • format : 26.5 x 22.8 x 2.5
  • binding : paperback, softcover
  • publishers : Paul Holberton
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