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Thomas Boivin



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Belleville – Since 2010, Thomas Boivin has been making contemplative black and white photographs of his Parisian neighborhood and the people who live there.
Belleville is an emblematic area of popular and picturesque Paris, and a lively neighborhood in constant evolution. Located in the east of Paris, it is a multicultural district of the city that attracts artists and newcomers to France.

“I started photographing its streets and people as soon as I moved there, and continued to do so for years. I found that photographing the people, above all, made sense. Although the photographs hardly depict the city, I find that they convey the feeling I had walking the streets of Belleville: A mixture of beauty and decrepitude, moments of joy and sadness, the warm feeling of the light and the bitter sweet feeling one can get from walking around all day, looking for a stranger’s eyes…”
– Thomas Boivin

  • design : Ramel Luzoir
  • date of publication : May 2022
  • language : FR
  • pages : 100
  • format : 27.5 x 22.5 x 1.7
  • binding : Jacquette
  • ISBN : 9781913288396
  • publishers : Stanley / Barker
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