Matthieu Morin, Camille Lavaud Benito
Des pepites dans le goudron – un roadtrip brut en amerique
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6 months, 20,000 miles, a bear, 4 hectoliters of Bud Light, 3 arrests, giant cockroaches, and twelve raw environments to fall on your ass. “Des Pépites dans le Goudron !” It’s the American dream of an outsider art froggie, a real road-trip in the footsteps of a bunch of creators with a zany genius, setbacks and setbacks, a rush towards an art as modest as it is grandiose, a Pied Nickelé in the land of the Bluecoats… Matthieu Morin (F, 1977) is a graphic designer, musician and collector of outsider art. He is particularly fascinated by the environments created by these self-taught creators of art. During a long road trip in the United States, Matthieu collected visual and textual material that led to the production of the book, “Les Pépites dans le Goudron”. A personal book, anchored in the quality of his encounters and illustrated by Camille Lavaud.
Matthieu Morin is also the co-founder of the label La Belle Brute, which produces raw music and never stops defending these extraordinary creators.
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