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Femmes & Objets #1


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Out of stock

More than a reference to the french expression “femme-objet”, it was an other perception. We need to put things in their place by a simple semantic change.
To dissociate the word “Woman” from the word “Object”, to distinguish two entities to make them talk to each other: “Woman & Object”.
Through artists’ portraits, reflections, a selection of objects, “Femmes & Objets” intends to draw the contemporary cartography of an artistic scene in France.

With Alix Delmas, Mathilde Denize, Audrey Guimard, Alice Guittard, Katia Kameli, Celia Nkala, Judith Prigent, Emmanuelle Roule, Chloe Royer, Graziella Semerciyan, Camille Tsvetoukhine.
With photos by Margot Montigny, Shehan Hanwellage, Charlotte Robin, Erwan Fichou and Alexandre Silberstein.
& a selection of (f)useful objects.

Editorial direction: Lia Rochas-Pàris

  • design : Marine Jezequel
  • date of publication : 2020
  • language : FR
  • pages : 32 p.
  • tirage : 1000 copies
  • publishers : Parties Prises
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