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Mathilde Ducrest



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Fragile – Emily, a student, wants to earn a bit of money over the summer, so she answers an advert from the very rich and influential Rascines family, who are rather hostile towards her. That’s how she meets Suzanne, the eldest member of the family, who gives her the job of walking her dog Mitsou every day. Suzanne accompanies Emily on her first few walks and, against all the odds, a strong bond develops between the two young women. Gradually, Emily begins to question her feelings for the woman she now calls Sue. One day, when Emily is expecting Sue and Mitsou, no one comes to meet her. Something dramatic has happened. How will the bond between them be transformed?

  • date of publication : april 2024
  • language : FR
  • pages : 184 p.
  • format : 28.9 x 21.6 x 2.2
  • binding : Casebound book
  • ISBN : 9782203257962
  • publishers : Casterman
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