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Gerner Jochen

Repères Tome 3 – 2000 dessins essentiels pour comprendre le monde


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Repères Tome 3 – 2000 dessins essentiels pour comprendre le monde – Extracting ourselves from the flood of news to give information back its density, focusing on deep currents rather than surface eddies: that’s the goal Le 1 set itself when it was founded in 2014.
Jochen Gerner’s ‘Repères’, the newspaper’s flagship feature, offers readers a dozen chronological or statistical benchmarks each week to help them better understand the major changes taking place in our world. With a graphic language all his own, a sense of synthesis, inventiveness and humour that are always welcome, the cartoonist tackles a wide range of subjects: society, politics, international relations, science… but also history, art and literature. From Wuhan to Kiev, this collection of 128 plates traces the course of three tumultuous years. There are also a number of cultural stops along the way, including quick biographies of the likes of Frida Kahlo, Louise Michel and Franz Kafka.

  • design : Nathalie Thiriez
  • date of publication : January 2024
  • language : FR
  • pages : 272 p.
  • format : 20 x 14 x 2.4
  • binding : paperback
  • ISBN : 9782203275911
  • publishers : Casterman
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