Slideshow Items

Roxane Lumeret

La veuve et l’orphelinat


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Welcome to the crazy world of the heroine AnnieRien comprendre (we can translate it by Nothingto understand)! A series of intense color images, some speaking and others silent, following each other in an open story with strange patterns. Find the mysterious characters who surround our heroine and try to decipher the secret of this story to understand nothing! La veuve et l’orphelinat is a real treasure that can be read as an infinite loop, indeed, by putting them side by side (the last image will coincide with the first one), and the loop is closed.

  • date of publication : 2022
  • language : FR
  • pages : leporello 14 pages
  • format : 9.2 x 13.5 x 1
  • binding : leporello
  • publishers : 3 Fois Par Jour
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