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Revue Phylactère n°2


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Revue Phylactère n°2 – Oh là là ! Phylactère is an annual magazine for multiple voices, born of the desire to explore the writing of orality and the possibilities of performance transcription, through authentic, subjective and spontaneous visions. Giving a voice to amateurs, artists, designers and thinkers, Phylactère brings together transitional writings, assuming all the shifts between a script, the action performed and its translation, with an extreme and adventurous attention to the way contexts, gestures, emotions and spaces are brought into play during this retranscription. Initiated by Roxanne Maillet and Auriane Preud’homme at the invitation of Camille Videcoq during the Entrée Principale residency (Marseille), Phylactère combines graphic and editorial practice with a curatorial approach, integrating the organization of various events into the publication process.
For its second issue, Phylactère takes as its title the onomatopoeia Oh là là !

With contributions from : Anne Lise Le Gac, Benoit Le Boulicot, Camille Videcoq, Cecil Serres, Considered to be Allies (Margaux Parillaux & Mie Frederikke Fischer Christensen), Claudia Pagès, Ghita Skali, Loren Tortil, Loreto Martinez Troncoso, Louise Hervé & Clovis Maillet, Mona Gérardin-Laverge, Nygel Panasco, pauline le boulba, Sarah Browne, Susie Green, Tiziana La Melia, Thanee, L’autre.

  • design : Auriane Preud'homme and Roxanne Maillet
  • date of publication : July 2022
  • language : EN / FR
  • pages : 160 p.
  • format : 25 x 19 x 1.5
  • impression : 3 color Riso printing
  • tirage : 400 copies
  • binding : Perfect bound
  • publishers : Immixtion Books
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