F. Lanier Graham, Larry Wurn & Mark Burstein
The Rainbow Book
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The Rainbow Book – Reissue of a cult book of post-1968 psychedelic culture, an encyclopedia of the cultural and artistic manifestations of the rainbow originally published in 1975 in Berkeley, California, on the occasion of “The Rainbow Show” exhibition at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
The Rainbow Book is a collection of essays and illustrations devoted to the rainbow and color spectra, analyzing the meaning of color (both physical and metaphysical) from ancient to modern times.
It is an encyclopedia of the cultural and artistic manifestations of the rainbow: in myth, magical thinking and painting, as well as in engravings and poems. The book includes poems by Virgil, Dante, Blake, Keats, Wordsworth and others; paintings by Giotto, Bosch, Van der Weyden, Dürer, Rubens, Blake, Turner, Constable and Church; and images from the sacred art of Tibet. The book is printed on pages of different colors, following the spectrum of the rainbow, and tackles increasingly complex notions, from the most accessible to the most erudite.
The reprint accompanies the exhibition “Rainbow. Colors and Wonders between Myths, Arts and Science” exhibition at MUDEC in Milan in 2023, and the publication of the first issue of MUdec United devoted to it.
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