Aurélien Mole & Éric Tabuchi
Un être, un acte, un objet, un lieu
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Photography and cinematography are techniques of expression of the industrial revolution in which the spectator never considers the original, the negative, the matrix, but always copies, prints, duplicates. Un être, un acte, un objet, un lieuattempts to explain to children as well as to the curious, the one not being exclusive of the other, the reason for the dimensions of a photographic image, of a print. The book is illustrated with works from the FRAC collection of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, displayed in their respective scale ratios.
With these four words, it is possible to talk about the whole world until today, as well as the complete history of photography, but also to summarize in its simplest expression what will be your next vacation. Indeed, the elasticity of these four words is big enough to contain the whole planet Earth since two million seven hundred thousand years, date of the first tools of which we have trace.
In a different order, they content the progress of photography, which first presents places like “Le point de vue du Gras”, realized in 1827 by Nicéphore Niépce on the outskirts of Chalon-sur-Saône, then objects in the form of white sculptures standing out against a black background in the experiments of Hippolyte Bayard, then it will be, from 1840 onwards, the time of beings with the first daguerreotyped portraits, solidly camped on their seat and discreetly immobilized to hold the pose. It was only forty years later that wet collodion was used to fix movement and freeze acts on negatives.
In short, these four words are the basis of all dramaturgy and you will not be disappointed! In the pages of this book, there will be, and this on several occasions, a being, an act, a place, an object, you can verify this scrupulously.
In short, these four words are the basis of all dramaturgy and you will not be disappointed! In the pages of this book, there will be, and this on several occasions, a being, an act, a place, an object, you can verify this scrupulously.
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