Augustin Rebetez
Very Charming Animals: CATS
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Very Charming Animals: CATS – Cat lovers, rejoice… or beware. Very Charming Animals: CATS is a photographic series by the multi-faceted Swiss artist Augustin Rebetez, a humorous and witchy tribute to felines of all shapes and breeds. Skimmed from the internet, nonchalantly retouched using Photoshop, these images show silly, fantastical, even demonic creatures. Pourtant, à travers cette série, Rebetez dresse un portrait malicieux de notre société, dépeinte avec malice dans une collection de chats vraiment bizarre.Yet through this series Rebetez ultimately paints a mischievous portrait of our society, maliciously depicted in a truly bizarre collection of cats. The book was published to coincide with two exhibitions at the Aargauer Kunsthaus in Aarau and the Ferme des Tilleuls in Renens.
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