
Against Ageism A Queer Manifesto

Against Ageism A Queer Manifesto

  • Auteurs: De (auteur) Simon(e) van Saarlos
  • Éditeurs: SPBH EDITIONS
  • Date de publication: 2025-02-03
  • Disponibilité: Disponible
  • Pages: 176
  • Against Ageism: A Queer Manifesto starts with what it is not: a socio-economic argument against ageism, celebrating the ‘elderly’ as economically viable. Instead, Simon(e) van Saarloos presents a radical critique of conventional arguments against ageism, rejecting constructs of ‘age’ and ‘youth’ and assumptions of their inherent qualities. Drawing from personal experience, the manifesto offers a reckoning with how ageism overlaps with structures of white supremacy and patriarchy. Through the lens of crip and queer theory, as well as anti-carceral and anti-colonial perspectives on time, this piercing text provocatively calls for the abolition of age-related laws, reframing commonly held understandings about age from van Saarloos’s defiant perspective. Body/Politics is a new series which presents essays on ground-breaking ideas about the human body in relation to racial identities, sexuality, and politics.
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