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Damien Chemin & Flore Chemin

La Planète en colère


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La Planète en colère – Between meditation and performance, Damien Chemin’s artistic practice involves methodically copying books from the first to the last page. Often, the chosen book is not read in advance; it slowly reveals itself as it is copied. Damien Chemin carefully selects his subjects. He has a preference for books with pictures of hurricanes, erupting volcanoes or fatal viruses. On the other hand, his sister, the artist Flore Chemin, paints desolate landscapes and curled up bodies. These pictures have no specific destination, they pile up over time as they are stored in boxes. One day, it seemed obvious to Damien and Flore that their respective works have things to say to each other.

This is how La Planète en colère (The Angry Planet) was born: an adaptation of an eponymous work of popular science that a brother and sister had read as children. From collages to assembled images, Damien and Flore try to articulate their visions of the world in order to highlight elements that fascinate them as well as the concerns that have always united them.

  • date of publication : March 2023
  • language : FR
  • pages : 96 p.
  • format : 31 x 22 x .8
  • binding : paperback, soft cover
  • ISBN : 9782956747567
  • publishers : Pan
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