Revue Peinture – Numéro 0
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Revue Peinture – Numéro 0 – isdaT – Institut supérieur des arts et du design de Toulouse, and Beaux-Arts de Marseille – INSEAMM present Revue Peinture – Numéro 0, a Réseau Peinture production.
Conceived as a network from the outset, with the support of the French Ministry of Culture, RéseauPeinture is anchored in the art and design schools and universities that make it up, in France and abroad. Its network structure enables it to explore painting in a variety of ways, through distinct programs run by artists and theoreticians: workshops, exhibitions, studio visits, trips, publications, meetings, conferences, study days… And a magazine.
More than 10 years after the creation of the network, its members have decided to create an annual magazine “to try to mix, confront and print images, words and actions in progress and in movement” (Olivier Gourvil, editorial). In this first issue, the network takes you on a journey around two school projects and one artist, Thibault Gaudry.
Photo credits: © Beaux-Arts de Marseille
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