Ventoline N°3
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Why make a music fanzine between girls? To counter the hypocrisy and vacuity of a so-called “women’s” press, in reality capitalist and alienating; to react either to the insipidity of a cultural press sterilized by the speeches of the industry, or to the arrogance of editors who confuse authenticity and beaufitude, panache and insult, and still take the “girl” for a musical category.
To meet physically or virtually, to lift stones together, to exchange our clothes, to shed light on doubts as well as the obvious, to feel less alone. To get out of a digital flow that makes us sick, to free ourselves from likes, to wander between past and future (what is “news”? when does it start, when does it end?). Not to roll around in ready-made formulas or good feelings, but to build something concrete, which muscles the brain as much as the arms. To try to draw up music-text-image equations in one’s head, then in a rectangular surface. And then to deconstruct myths, like the one that there are people who can write about music and others who can’t. This doesn’t mean that we do anything, we even find ourselves redoubling our vigilance, which is sometimes exhausting: am I telling too much about my life? Do people see that I’m using second degree? Do I use the right vocabulary?
In this 3rd issue of Ventoline, we dig up childhood relics, stories of migration and identity construction when you are both white and black; we discuss again and again the relationship between clean and dirty, design and underground, work and amatorat; we talk about our demands and what others expect from us; and sometimes, of course, we talk about the annoying dudes.
Due to lack of time, we didn’t manage to concoct a crossword puzzle for the beach, but we wish you a pleasant reading and a very soft summer.
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