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Ventoline #4


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Ventoline #4

Ventoline is a music fanzine written and illustrated by women. Contributing to this fourth issue were Līva Kandevica, Cynthia Vaites, Fiona Brunet, Leïla Bergougnoux & Amélie Fontaine, Liliane Chansard, Péroline Barbet, Félicité Landrivon, Tessa Namias, Charlène Darling, Nina Chevallier, Amicale du Freesquet, Mona Granjon.

  • date of publication : May 2022
  • language : FR
  • pages : 48
  • format : 27 x 18.7 x 0.2
  • impression : Printed in rotary press by Rotochampagne, in offset by Maud Bosset
  • tirage : 2000 copies
  • binding : staple
  • publishers : Brigade Cinophyle
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